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HOW DO I ...
Public Records Request:
The City Clerk is the designated Custodian of Public Records for the City of Everglades, please direct all Public Records Requests to the City Clerk.
City of Everglades
C/O City Clerk
102 Copeland Ave. N
Box 110
Everglades City, FL 34139-0110
Phone: 239-695-4558
Email: DSmallwood@CityofEverglades.org
Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Estoppel Request:
For estoppels, please contact City Hall.
Phone: 239-695-3781 ~ Fax 239-695-3020
Appy for a Business Tax License:
The Local Business Tax is a tax for operating a business within the city limits of Everglades City.
The Local Business Tax was previously known as an Occupational License; however, the State of Florida changed the name in 2007 to Local Business Tax.
Anyone doing business within City limits, please contact City Hall.
Phone: 239-695-3781 ~ Fax: 239-695-3020
Political Campaign Signs:
For political sign rules, regulations and deposits, please contact the City Clerk.
Phone: 239-695-4558
Email: Dsmallwood@cityofeverglades.org
To Reserve the City Park for an Event:
For information on reserving or renting of the city park, please contact the City Clerk.
Phone: 239-695-4558
Sign up for Email or EZText Subscription:
You can sign up for notification of local City events, notices of meetings and agendas, and just general City happenings.
For email subscriptions email: KCochran@CityofEverglades.org
Eztexting is more for alerts or emergencies, for example water outages or storm related information. This will come as a form of a text to a cell phone.
Send code word Everglades to the # (239) 522-4455 on your cell to receive text alerts.
You can also find City postings on Facebook: Everglades City Strong.
Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.